Webmaster Dawn Lanning                                                              ©September 2017                    


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Educational programs:

Our educational programs can range from a simple 20 minute presentation and sharing the dogs with preschoolers to a full day demonstration for an entire school to a program that includes riding, driving and the forgotten job in mushing—handling.

We pride ourselves on our work with youth groups including churches, schools, girl scout groups and boy scout groups.  Most of our winter is actually spent at the Tomahawk Boy Scout Reservation in Rice Lake, WI. 

While most of our educational programs are geared towards kids —remember—contrary to the old wives’ tale, you can teach an old dog new tricks and you are never  too old to learn about dogsledding and we can cater our programs to any age group!

We also offer horsemanship sessions, horse daycamps  and some farm programs in the summer months with our horses.

HHH Ranch

Sharing Trail Experiences
for All Seasons!